Category Archives: Orgasm

Open About Female Orgasm: 4 Ways to Achieve It Revealed

Several thousand women, several thousand interviews, one female orgasm and four techniques how women can achieve it. This has been elaborated by the latest study, which breaks the false image promoted by the media and the pornographic industry, according to which the mere penetration of the vagina by the penis is guaranteed to lead to orgasm.

According to international sexual and reproductive organizations, sexual satisfaction, sexual pleasure and excitement, the ability to increase excitement and enjoy sex in general, is a basic human right, not just a solution to a psychological or health problem.

Research shows that the more women can enjoy sex, the happier, more satisfied they are, have lower stress levels, experience less anxiety and depression, and are more satisfied in their relationship because they experience better intimacy. A positive sexual experience and the right to it can also be found in their declarations on sexual rights. But how is it in reality?

Porn, fake porn…

Currently, young people rely on pornographic content and the depiction and explanation of sex through pornography due to the absence of sex education (if it is not absent, then young people are not satisfied with its content). And this is a mistake due to its exposure and unreality (as we mentioned in previous articles), escalating violence and orientation towards a male audience, i.e. purely male needs and fantasies (sex is not a “one-way ticket”).

If you look at previous research, they claim that only 25-30% of women achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse – but they do not distinguish between penetration and ways of stimulating the clitoris, which comes out as the key to achieving sexual pleasure and orgasm.

57% versus 95%? Orgasm in women and men

To begin with, a survey conducted by Cosmopolitan magazine (a sample of more than 2,300 women aged 18-40, 2015):

  • 57% of women confirmed that they reach orgasm every time or most of the time during sex with their partner, but 95% of men reach orgasm every time or most of the time during sex with their partner. The most common obstacles are: 50% of women are “almost there, but I can’t get past the last step to orgasm”, 38% of women talk about insufficient clitoral stimulation, 35% of women about “wrong” clitoral stimulation from their partner and 32% of women are “too much in their own head ” or makes sure they look good during sex
  • 78% of women believed that partners care about achieving orgasm, but 72% of men work their way to orgasm without helping women achieve theirs
  • 33% of women did not fake an orgasm, 67% did. To the question “why”, they answered: 28% of women because of their partner and his feelings (so that he doesn’t feel bad, but feels satisfied), 27% of women because of a faster end to sex, because they felt that they would not reach orgasm, 42% of women gave both of these options and 3% of women entered “other reasons”
  • When asked how women achieve orgasm, they answered: 39% of women by masturbating with a hand or a sex toy, 20% of women by vaginal penetration and clitoral stimulation, 15% of women by penetration without stimulation, 12% of women by oral sex, 9% of women by their partner’s hand, 2 % of women with a sex toy in the hands of their partner and 3% of women stated “another way”
  • Age at first orgasm was given by women as follows: 9.5% of women were less than 11 years old, 14% 11-13 years old, 19% 14-16 years old, 27% 17-19 years old, 18% 20-24 years old, 4% of women 25-29 years old, 1% 30-34 years old, 0.5% 35-40 years old and 7% of women did not remember

By stimulating the clitoris for more intense sexual pleasure…

In another study (2017), they examined the orgasms of American women aged 18-94. The results showed that for 18.4% of the women interviewed, penetration of the vagina with the penis alone was enough to achieve orgasm, for 36.6% of women penetration alone was not enough, stimulation of the clitoris was also necessary, and 36% of women said that stimulation was not necessary during penetration, but sexual pleasure, excitement and orgasm itself were better and more intense with her.

One of the authors of Psychology Today, psychologist, sex therapist and professor at the University of Florida, Laurie Mintz, conducted a similar survey among her students. 43% of them confirmed that they achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse by stimulating the clitoris, 34% achieve it only by stimulating the clitoris, 19% achieve orgasm rarely, if at all, and only 4% of female students need sexual intercourse, i.e. penile penetration, to achieve it. This is quite an important result.

… but what is the clitoris?

The problem is that few people are interested in what a woman’s vagina actually looks like, what it is made of, which parts make up the clitoris, where are the nerve endings, the stimulation of which can increase a woman’s excitement. Then we should not be surprised that according to the WHO, 8-21% of women experience pain during penile penetration.

The clitoris is not just a protrusion visible to the eye, but an organ extending deep into the vagina. It consists of 18 parts – a mix of muscles, nerves and erectile tissues, all of which work together during arousal. Its length is 7-12 cm and during excitement it swells and increases up to 50-300%. Many doctors believe that the G-spot is only part of it.

The clitoris contains an average of 8,000 nerve endings (twice the number of nerve endings in the penis). Other nerve endings sensitive to touch also include other external parts of the female genitalia, i.e. the vulva – the inner lips and the entrance to the vagina.

And the first third of the vaginal canal also contains them, which does not mean that the other two thirds are not sensitive endings, they just react more to pressure, which explains why many women like the feeling of a penis or a sex toy in the vagina.

4 techniques to achieve orgasm

Plos One magazine published the latest research this year, which took a rather (until then) unconventional look at achieving orgasm (during penetration): first it interviewed 4,270 women aged 18-plus from around the world to pinpoint the four most important techniques, then it focused on American women (3017 women aged 18-93, online research) to verify practices:

  • About 70% of women stimulate the clitoris with a finger or a sex toy during the penetration of the vagina with the penis (or sex toy).
  • About 76% of women move their penis or sex toy in such a way that it rubs (stimulates) against the clitoris, constantly during the entire penetration, while the penis remains inside the vagina, so there is no penetration – by moving in and out
  • About 84% of women concentrate on penetration only at the point of entry into the vagina (so-called shallow penetration) – with a finger, tip of the penis, tongue, lips, sex toy (excitement, subsequent penetration into the vagina, or orgasm, women described as more pleasurable and satisfying )
  • About 88% of women “rotate”, turn, raise or lower their hips/pelvis during penetration to influence/accommodate the friction of the penis, sex toy. It was about the position and angle of a woman’s hips as a way to achieve greater sexual excitement and orgasm

The results show that the clitoris is key. Three of the four techniques involve stimulation of the clitoris, and during penetration, women intensify their sexual excitement by applying pressure to the inner clitoris. These findings are all the more important because they disprove the “myth” created by pornographic images, according to which women can achieve intense orgasms only by penile penetration or toys.

They are also important for the support of women who are unhappy with the inability to reach orgasm just from penetration. Orgasm can be achieved in different, different ways than is widely advertised and portrayed. Therefore, it is better to focus on getting to know your own body, communicating your sexual needs and walking proudly and confidently towards their fulfillment.

From the men’s point of view: Do you want to please him? Every guy craves these positions when making love

If sex was a tool for reproduction, it wouldn’t matter in what position it took place. Today, however, it is a source of divine joy, a loving fusion of two lovers, a play of bodies and an instrument of pleasure. And choosing the right position determines how satisfied the guy will be with him.

Lotus flower

Like the Buddha, the common man also achieves near-enlightenment in this position. The basis is that he sits on a chair or bed, you hug him with your thighs and sit on his erect limb. It is a more physically demanding position for a woman, but the other half will enjoy it all the more.

He can play with your breasts, kiss you on the face, hug you like his greatest treasure, and at the same time you will not stop fucking with everything. However, in this position it is a little difficult to operate interrupted intercourse. Rarely is the unraveling fast enough and therefore it is nice to combine it with a condom or a reliable form of contraception.

Woman up

The difference between men and women is manifested both in life and in bed. However, there is one position that creates prerequisites for mutual symbiosis. The riding position is top for both women and men.

But only if the partner really controls it. The gentlemen want to see her in action. How they are crazy about their sex, happy, their love itself, and they just calmly wash with pleasure and enjoy the pleasant feelings and the passionate erotic theater.


If men didn’t like her, her first place in the most used list would be in jeopardy. It is not a simple position to find love among men. Simple things can go wrong the fastest.

A guy will appreciate the most if you are full of activity with the missionary, you touch his ass, stimulate his rhythm, you can even show him your breasts. In principle, it does not matter how you understand the position, but it is true that activity equals attraction, passivity equals disinterest.


Exceptionally intense game of two bodies. The partner lies on his back, but his shoulders and head are slightly hanging away from the bed. Practically the whole activity is up to you, but the head pointing down allows you to glide over the body as perfectly as during a nude nuru massage. It is equally beautiful for both of you if you exchange afterwards.


A bit of a hunting position, in which the partner simply steps up to the partner from behind, leans her against the kitchen counter or the wall in the living room, and starts focusing on her strengths from behind. Men love this position for an animal version of the quickie. At work, at home or on a trip. Therefore, they will be very pleasantly surprised if their partner does not put on their panties here and there.

From behind

Why do they adore her so much? Similar to standing, they are excited by the possibility of conquering their lover. However, the possibility of a more comfortable position and better activity on the part of the woman also comes into play here. At the same time, it is a bit more relaxed and slower than standing, but it still has the adrenaline of wildness, although with a flavor of greater intimacy.

The sex position that makes men feel like gods: Women achieve their best orgasms in this position

The position where men feel like gods and women achieve their best orgasm. Thanks to this view of a woman, they are much more active.

A position that makes men feel like gods

Men love to experiment in sex, but what is important is that they always need to feel like men when changing sexual positions. Today we are talking about a position where they even feel like gods. It is masculine and gives them the opportunity to get to know the female body perfectly. On the one hand, they have a view of the entire female lines, on the other hand, they have deep penetration “in their hands”. This is the scissor position in which women, by the way, achieve the best orgasm. And this is precisely the reason that leads them to greater activity.

Experienced lovers do not let her go

Lovers who know best with women do not allow this position. In addition to the mentioned deep penetration, they are available to stimulate the female clitoris, which is a double hit and the way to orgasm.

“I love when a woman is as straddled as possible and allows me to penetrate as deeply as possible. The way her body moves, and especially the female breasts, is a sight for the gods. Definitely the best for me,” says Robo (39).

“In this position, I achieved the strongest female orgasm I had ever heard of. It’s a great feeling and if it’s mutual, it’s definitely an experience you want to repeat,” Peter (29) does not hide his desires.

“The scissor position is ideal if you both have a certain animality in your blood and love to achieve more orgasms. It’s a great ending to night castles with a never-ending climax,” concludes Michal (35).