Erotic short stories: I reacted to my husband’s infidelity by starting a rivalry with his lover.

My husband’s lover paradoxically awakened a woman in me that I had no idea was hiding inside me. Sometimes infidelity really can save your marriage.

Mária (30) had known about her husband Milan’s infidelity for a long time. “A man can try to cover his tracks as much as he can, but a woman will always sense such things. Who knows, maybe we really have a sixth sense for the infidelity of our partners”, he states. Although most women who find out that their partner is cheating on them directly confront him, Mária was the opposite case. She always belonged to women who were pragmatic rather than emotional. Or better said, she was able to keep her cool even in tense situations. Discovering her husband’s infidelity was definitely one of them. Her reaction was also more pragmatic, but perhaps incomprehensible to many women…

“I knew two things… That divorce was out of the question, and that if I didn’t want to lose him, I’d have to take his lover out of the game. So I decided to play with the same weapons as my girlfriend. She went to the most exclusive underwear store in town, cooked an incredibly delicious dinner, armed herself with courage and an erotic mood, which I tried to bring into the whole house. When my husband came home, he was surprised, but I also saw a kind of curiosity in his eyes. That strengthened me in my decision”, Mária surprises with her tactics and courage.

After they had dinner together by candlelight, she led her husband to the bathroom, where a hot bath and massage awaited him. Then she made him lie on the bed and tied his hands and feet. “I put on some erotic music and started dancing, gradually shedding everything until I was left with only high heels. It was a strange feeling since it was the first time I had done something like this, but Milan’s instant erection only confirmed that it was going in the right direction. Then I covered his eyes and worked my way from his face to his manhood. I have to admit that I enjoyed it too”, she confides further.

After some time, which Mária tried to fill with various erotic games, she discovered that he still did not give up on his lover. So she decided on a rather radical step. “I said to myself, better with a trio than without him. So I admitted to him that I knew about her and that I wanted us to share it in a threesome. You should have seen his face. But when he decided that I was serious, we met at our house the next evening. I wasn’t even nervous. When it came down to it, I was in a trance. I found that I just enjoy it like no sex before. Since then, these meetings of ours have been repeated quite often. Well, my husband and I are doing great without her. I even found out that apart from our three, their two no longer exists. Although I had to chew on something, I didn’t lose my husband, and to top it all off, I enriched our sex life. It was worth it”, Mária concludes her truly unusual story.

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