Men revealed which women were the most unfaithful to them: You can have great sex with them, but even that is not a guarantee

Not only men are unfaithful, women can also be beautiful bastards sometimes. You can have great sex with them, but even that is not a guarantee that you will be the only one by their side.

Good sex is immediately reflected in a man’s mood, and most of them do not hide the fact that they need it for life. They are also disappointed from time to time, and the woman they looked up to can go behind their back. Not even great sex is a guarantee that it doesn’t happen.

You can have great sex with them, but even that is not a guarantee

While many times the first sign that something is up is when a woman stops sleeping with you, this may not always be the case. Even women, with whom men had perfect sexual pleasures, led them by the nose and over time found out that they were taking turns in bed with someone else. Here are their experiences.

Men revealed which women were the most unfaithful to them

“I had a great career but no relationship. When I found my partner, I wanted to treat her to everything I could afford to buy her. I noticed that we always had really mega good sex then. That’s why I was happy to give her a present. But over time, it wasn’t enough for her and she started hooking me, the originally ordinary woman, with an even richer guy,” adds Roman (40) with a smile today.

“I didn’t know that I had a boyfriend by my side who was talking to my friends behind my back. Over time, I realized that she was always a flighty type who needed to socialize and visit all her friends in the evening, hug and kiss them,” confided Peter (35), who thanks to this understood what type of woman he did not want to have by his side .

“The more I earned, the more my girlfriend began to turn into an artifice. As if she was afraid that she was in danger from the other women. However, I had no idea that he would go even further and flirt with each of my friends. Finally, one of my best friends succumbed to her and I have since deleted both of them from my life,” added Mario (44) at the end.

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