Forget boredom in bed: These sexual practices can perfectly banish it

You can return the spark and passion to your relationship quite easily. You just need to know how to do it. However, some things work literally miraculously. Implement them in your bedroom and believe that you will definitely not be bored in bed.

Actively work to keep your sex life fresh

A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that couples who believe that a healthy sex life takes work are much more satisfied with sex and relationships than those who believe that good sex should happen naturally. Researchers have found that having an implicit belief that sex should be good if you find the right partner is simply inaccurate. Those who believed in this kind of sexual destiny were more likely to experience a downward trend in their intimacy and connection and to become bored in the relationship much more quickly.

Sex life is like a garden. In order to maintain it, you need to water it and take care of it. So if you want to avoid boredom in the bedroom and outside, remember that good sex takes work,” revealed the lead author of the study, Jessica Maxwell.

Kiss during and especially before sex

Kissing is important because it helps couples connect and ultimately stay together. It releases oxytocin, the love hormone, and also helps reduce the stress hormone cortisol, so couples usually feel relaxed and at ease right after a good kiss. If you make it a point to kiss each other, your hormones will pretty much do the bonding work for you. It’s so simple yet effective.

There is nothing wrong with getting too comfortable in your relationship. It just means you’ve made it really far. But if you don’t want boredom to cause problems in the bedroom, according to science, you can prevent it by switching things up and showing more affection before the act itself.

Change the scene

If you only have sex in the bedroom, try changing the space to spice it up. Explore a new room in the house, spread the word in the garden or book a room at a nearby hotel. A change of location will add newness and freshness to the experience, making it more enjoyable for both of you.

Try a different kind of sexual intimacy

If you are already bored with the most interesting positions during traditional sex, try to take a break and focus on mutual pleasure through touch and taste. Doing so will allow you to slow down and focus on each other’s pleasure, increasing your desire and giving you the opportunity to rediscover the magic of mutual arousal.

Share your feelings

When you first fell in love, you probably told your partner that you loved them. But as relationships continue, people often forget to show their partners love and appreciation in the same way they did in the beginning, which can lead to feelings of underappreciation and dissatisfaction that translate into a poor experience in the bedroom.

Make it a point to tell your partner how much you want them, appreciate them and describe in detail the reasons why you love them. This will deepen your emotional connection and stir things up in bed.

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