I got involved with a married man who left his family for me. Nevertheless, she decided to take this step…

Everything always starts innocently enough. Likewise, the story of our reader Zuzana, who shared her experience with us.

Everyone makes mistakes. Really everyone…

An innocent beginning

I met Marek on a business trip. It was one of those weekend seminars held once a year in a luxury hotel in the mountains. Some kind of lectures during the day and entertainment in the evening. It was already my third seminar, so I knew exactly what to expect and I was really looking forward to it. Establishing contacts was never a problem for me, and immediately after arriving at the hotel, I started talking to a group where he was also. We were seated immediately. There was no chemistry and no sparks flying between us. We used to have a common language and from morning till night we always had something to gossip about. At the end of the stay, we exchanged contacts and of course stayed in touch. I knew he had a partner and even a child, and even though he was nice to look at, I had no intention of “dealing with…”

He got back to me almost immediately after leaving. We innocently communicated with each other through social networks, occasionally called each other and since we had the same job close to each other, once in a while we also met unplanned at work events. After a few weeks, however, I began to realize that his interest was not just purely friendly. Even though he didn’t show it at all, he flirted with me very subtly and subtly. Until he made me think that he was very interested in me. So I started behaving a little differently. I also subtly showed a different interest in him as a person, which he noticed very quickly. And I rather had the feeling that it really scared him, because he immediately “withdrew” for a few weeks…

From the entertainment of transgressions

After almost two months of being together, he actually cut off contact, we met by chance at a work party. He was there without a partner and I was also alone. This time our meeting was with sparks that I might have expected at the beginning. We knew how the evening would end. And that’s exactly how it ended. However, after a night spent together, we were both overcome with remorse, and we broke up with each other again for another month. However, Marek couldn’t stand it and after a few more weeks he asked me for a meeting. And then another. And others. After each night, my regrets multiplied, but I couldn’t resist him. It has never happened to me that I couldn’t control myself like this because of a man. However, I saw that it bothered him less and less. He liked spending time with me. And from one-week meetings they became daily over time. We went on joint trips, weekends and weekly vacations. His girlfriend had no suspicions and we simply enjoyed our time together. This romance lasted over a year, when one day out of the blue he announced to me that he wanted to leave his partner. It stunned me. More than gratification, I found it strange. Yes, I liked him, and our moments together, but at that moment I realized that because of me, one family would fall apart. I didn’t know how to react. However, he did not wait for my election. She packed up and left the house for me. And suddenly we were officially a couple.

Quick sobering up

The first days and weeks of living together were very awkward. I began to perceive Marek differently. I realized that the situation had changed. At the same time, I was becoming more and more paranoid. Every day I told myself that this person was able to lie and leave his wife and his own son without blinking an eye. I was so overcome with remorse that I couldn’t handle it and asked him to leave. Let him return home or go somewhere else, but I can’t live like this. I didn’t love him so much that I forgot the fact that what he did to her, he could easily do to me. And maybe he wouldn’t, I don’t know, and I’ll never find out either… I broke off contact with him harshly, and even though he tried his best to convince me that I was a “different case”, I couldn’t continue it. I was simply overcome by remorse and conscience more than love…

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